health department

Health Department to set up Mobiliser Cell to clear doubts about Covid vaccine

To increase the number of beneficiaries in the Corona Vaccination Campaign, the Chandigarh Health Department is preparing to set up a ‘Mobiliser Cell’, through which direct contact will be made with them. The councillors and psychiatrists involved in this cell will call the beneficiaries and try to persuade them to get vaccinated by clearing their doubts and queries. 

In the first phase, trained youth will approach the beneficiaries. In the second phase, psychiatrists will talk to the beneficiaries whose counselling has not been successful and resolve their doubts so as to get them registered for vaccination.

Director Dr Amandeep Kang, Health Department said that the main objective of forming this cell is to solve the doubts about vaccination and achieve the 100% target.

health department

World Health Organisation (WHO) will cooperate with the Health Department in the formation of this cell. WHO will provide training to youth who can succeed in the role of a councillor. If the councillor is not successful while talking to a beneficiary, then the psychiatrist will come in and try to clear the doubts.

Chandigarh is currently at the forefront of the Union Territories of the country in the vaccination campaign. Dr Kang says that this experiment is being done to maintain this result and make it stronger.

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