
Gyanvapi mosque survey: Court grants 2 days to submit report, commissioner axed

A local court on Tuesday granted two more days as had been sought for submitting a survey report by the commission on the Gyanvapi mosque complex in Varanasi where some Hindus have claimed worshipping rights.

It, however, removed advocate commissioner Ajay Kumar Mishra from his post. Special advocate commissioner Vishal Singh will present the report in the court in another two days. Assistant advocate commissioner Ajai Pratap Singh will accompany Singh.

Mishra was removed as one of the camerapersons accompanying him had leaked survey proceedings in the media.

The order was passed by the court of civil judge senior division Ravi Kumar Diwakar on an application filed by Singh, who said Mishra was not cooperating completely with the commission’s proceedings.Earlier in the day, the commission tasked with the videography survey of the Gyanvapi Masjid complex sought additional time from the court as the final report was yet to be compiled. The court had earlier asked the panel to submit the report by Tuesday.