National Technology

Google adds vaccine info panels to search; Google Maps show bed availability in hospitals

Google said it is testing a new feature in Maps application that enables people to ask about and share local information on the availability of beds and medical oxygen in select locations amid massive coronavirus surge in the country.

The aim of rolling out these features is to health authorities and affected groups find assistance quicker, as massive second wave of the pandemic sweeps the country. To help in searching for vaccine information, Google Search will show the latest updates on vaccine safety, efficacy and side effects.

“You will also find information about prevention, self-care, and treatment under the Prevention and Treatment tab, in easy-to-understand language sourced from authorized medical sources and the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare,” said Google in a blog post.

In addition to the testing centres, people can also access the location of 23,000 vaccination centres nationwide in English and 8 other regional languages.

Another element has been added on Google Maps. The application will currently show a user if a hospital has beds and access to medical oxygen, based on crowd-sourced information.

“We know that some of the most crucial information people are searching for is the availability of hospital beds and access to medical oxygen. To help them find answers more easily, we’re testing a new feature using the Q&A function in Maps that enables people to ask about and share local information on availability of beds and medical oxygen in select locations. As this will be user generated content and not provided by authorised sources, it may be required to verify the accuracy and freshness of the information before utilizing it,” Google said in a blog post.

At the same time, Google Pay too has a COVID aid campaign where the individuals who wish to donate to organisations that help COVID-influenced residents can do as such. A portion of the associations highlighted as a feature of this campaign include Give India, Charities Aid Foundation, Goonj, Save the Children, Seeds, UNICEF India (National NGOs) and United Way.

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