quantum computing

European Council for Nuclear Research offers free online course on quantum computing

The European Council for Nuclear Research, also known as CERN, is conducting a free online course on the basics of quantum computing that can be taken by anybody who is interested to learn about the subject.

quantum computing

A series of weekly lectures on the subject will be broadcast through webcast which started from November 6, 2020. A new lecture is uploaded every Friday will be broadcast on every Friday for the next seven weeks. Those who missed it, the content of the lecture held on November 6 has been uploaded to the site.

This course will be for seven-week duration, beginning November 6 and ending on December 18, 2020. One does not require to have any prior knowledge of quantum computing to enrol for this programme but a good command of basic linear algebra will be helpful. While some familiarity with the Python programming language would be helpful, it is not mandatory.

The lectures are being delivered by Elias Fernandez-Combarro Alvarez, an associate professor in the Computer Science Department at the University of Oviedo in Spain since 2009 and a cooperation associate at CERN.

Quantum computing is one the most promising new trends in information processing and those who enrol for the programme will be able to learn the following:

  • Basic concepts of the quantum circuit model such as qubits, gates and measures will be introduced.
  • Important quantum algorithms and protocols, including those that can be implemented with a few qubits like BB84, quantum teleportation, and superdense coding, among others, will be spoken about.
  • Recent applications of quantum computing in the fields of optimisation and simulation will be addressed.
  • Special emphasis will be paid to the use of quantum annealing, the quantum approximate optimisation algorithm and the variational quantum eigensolver along with quantum machine learning.
  • Examples of how these techniques can be used in chemistry simulations and high-energy physics problems will also be provided.

At the end of the webcast, documents and content pertaining to the session will also be uploaded.

You can check out more details here: https://home.cern/news/announcement/computing/online-introductory-lectures-quantum-computing-6-november For queries, you can write to: QTI-info@cern.ch