city beautiful

Forest and Tree Cover of UT Chandigarh crosses 50 per cent

The green efforts of the Department of Forest & Wildlife, UT Chandigarh and other Greening Agencies of Chandigarh Administration has paid dividend in enhancing the Green Cover of the UT Chandigarh. In a recent report of India State of Forest Report (ISFR), 2021 shows that the Green Cover of UT Chandigarh has increased from 46.25% in 2019 to 50.05% in the year 2021.​Forest Survey of India (FRI), Dehradun is the premier Institute that brings out a biennial report on the Forest Cover map of the entire country following both remote sensing data followed by ground truthing at the field. As per the

Report released by the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Govt of India, there is a jump in the Forest Cover of the UT Chandigarh by 85 hectare. The Open Forest area has also increased by 158 hectare that signifies more non forest area has been brought under Green Cover.​It is to reiterated here that to increase green cover in U.T. Chandigarh, Greening Chandigarh Action Plan (GCAP) is prepared every year by all greening agencies i.e. Forest Department, Horticulture Wings of Engineering Department, UT and Municipal Corporation, UT Chandigarh for maintenance of the Green Cover of the City.

Annual target of plantation is thus set for all the three departments. Further, the Department of Forest & Wildlife, UT Chandigarh is making sustained efforts in improvement of the quality of the forest by planting indigenous species such as Shisham, Shahtoot, Khair and Babul etc. and no exotic species are being planted for last couple of years. Saplings are also distributed free of cost to the local residents to add to the total greenery.​In addition, the continuous engagement of the Department with all important stakeholders like NGOs, Resident Welfare Associations, Eco Clubs, Environmental Societies and involvement of media has played a crucial role not only in protection of the forest but also resulted in further increasing Green Cover of the UT Chandigarh.

The most important stakeholder i.e. the citizens of the Chandigarh deserve the desired credit who have joined hands with the Chandigarh Administration in enhancing the Green Cover of the city.