satya paul

Fashion Designer Satya Paul passes away at 78

Renowned fashion designer C Paul, 78, died at the Isha Yoga Centre in Coimbatore on Wednesday.

Satya Paul’s son Puneet Nanda and founder of Isha Yoga Centre, Sadhguru, announced the news of the fashion designer’s death on Thursday. In a Facebook post, Nanda wrote, “He (Satya Paul) had a stroke on December 2 and as he was slowly recovering in the hospital, his only wish was to get all the things he was being monitored and poked with – removed so he could fly away. We finally got clearance from doctors to take him back to Isha Yoga Center, his home since 2015. As per his wish, he gently passed on with blessings of the Master.”

“Most people are not aware, more than as a designer or entrepreneur, he has been steadfastly a seeker. In the 70’s his inner journey started with going to listen to talks with J Krishnamurty (a philosopher), later he took sanyas from Osho (spiritual leader). After Osho left in 1990, though he wasn’t seeking another Master, he discovered Sadhguru in 2007. He immediately started enjoying the path of yoga and eventually moved here in 2015. He has been a doorway for hundreds of people towards spirituality and all the Masters he was so blessed to have been with.

He couldn’t have had a sweeter life or passage… at the feet of the Master. We are sad only a bit, mostly rejoicing him, his life and now his passing with such a blessing,” he added. The Satya Paul label was known for indigenous prints. It was founded on April 1, 1985 by the designer. The brand is acclaimed for ingenuity in its design sensibility and a vivid colour palette. The brand has grown from strength to strength since 1985, when it was founded, and is now present across India.

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