
ECCE programme started at Chandigarh government schools

To achieve the objective of Quality and Excellence in Early Childhood Care and Education(ECCE) and to promote optimum learning and holistic development as proposed in the National Education Policy 2020, Department of School Education Chandigarh has started the initiative of transition of the ECCE programme in Government schools of Chandigarh with the help and expertise of non-profit social reform organizations Arpan Trust, Chandigarh  & Kachi Sadak Foundation with the “ Kilkaari Project” ..  The project has been formally inaugurated in Government Primary School, RC (III) Dhanas, Chandigarh by the present Director School Education Chandigarh Dr. Palika Arora.

The previous Director School Education Sh.Rubinderjit Singh Brar under whose guidance the project was conceptualized and initiated also graced the occasion.A special introductory session was held for all the Urban Resource Centre Coordinators and Cluster Resource Centre Coordinators to explain the Pre-primary design of ECCE which includes, The Path to Class (Corridor), The Class (Indoor), The Class Beyond Walls (Outdoor).The orientation of all the Principals/Heads of Govt. Schools has been planned with an aim that the learning from the pre-primary design created in GPS-Dhanas can be adopted/adapted in all the Govt. schools of UT Chandigarh.

Workshop for  Nursery Teachers has also been planned in coming months for transition of the Teaching Learning under ECCE and development of toys/teaching learning material so that the same can be used in all the pre-primary classes. All the Principals/Heads will undertake a campaign “Share toys give joy” for collection of toys from their local area so that the same can be utilized in classroom teaching at pre-primary level.The thought has been to make classrooms full of positive laughter, shaping the enormous bundles of energy in our wonderful young ones into love for learning, far away from fear and hence the name “Kilkaari” came into our mind which envisions classrooms as learning spaces which bolster curiosity, energy and imagination of our wonderful toddlers.