
Disciplinary proceedings initiated against regular/ contractual employees of Electricity Department

The UT power men had given a call for three day strike from February 22 to 24. Despite considering the genuine demands, meetings were held between the Union and Chandigarh Administration, but the union was adamant to go for strike. On the 21st midnight, the power supply was disrupted in GMCH 32, GMSH 16 and other main areas of city resulting in inconvenience and harassment to public. The Essential Services (Maintenance) Act was imposed yesterday in the city to prohibit the strike of the employees of Electricity Department for a period of six months.The Administration took a serious view of the situation and has decided to take following actions.

  1. Disciplinary proceedings will be initiated against regular employees of Electricity Department who were involved in disruption of power supply. Further actions under ESMA will also be taken against them.
  2. The services of outsourced employees who were involved in disruption of power supply and damaging the electrical systems shall also be terminated for defying the orders of Chandigarh Administration.
  3. In addition, the FIR has also been registered against these employees for violating the ESMA act.
  4. The process to identify the employees involved in disruption of power supply has already been initiated by the Police through CCTV footage and other evidence. The DGP Chandigarh has also been requested to put the investigation on fast track.
  5. To find out the extent of damage caused to the electrical systems and other details, a committee has been constituted of independent expert members who will submit the report in 15 days.