
Demonstrators in Shimla break barricades, demand constitution of ‘Swarn Aayog’

Situation turns volatile as demonstrators demanding constitution of “Swarn Aayog” defy prohibitory orders, demolish barricades erected by police at Shoghi, pelt stones damaging vehicles, reach Tutikandi bifurcation and resort to Chakka jam, bringing vehicular traffic to a halt in Shimla.

SP Shimla Sushil Thakur and other police personnel sustained injuries as the agitators pelted stones on police at Shoghi.ASP and QRT jawan Kartik, have been admitted in IGMC with head injuries.The police had erected barricades at Shoghi to prevent the demonstrators from reaching Shimla and District Magistrate.The city has been converted into a fort and heavy police deployment has been made at all entry points and vulnerable locations. Deputy Commissioner and Superintendant of police are on the spot at Tutikandi bifurcation, the main entry point to Shimla.

Shimla DM Aditya Negi had imposed section 144 yesterday, putting a complete ban on demonstrations, sloganeering, public rallies, processions, playing bands, etc, within 50 metres in the periphery of Himachal Pradesh Secretariat, Chotta Shimla, Raj Bhawan, High Court, Chief Minister’s residence (Oakover ), MLA hostel, 500 metres from Tutikandi Parking to Victory Tunnel, AG office chowk to Boileauganj via Chaura Maidan and Dhalli Bazaar to Nigam Vihar via Sanjauli.Hundreds of passengers were stranded as vehicular traffic to Shimla from Chandigarh came to a grinding halt as the highway was sealed by police in view of the protest planned by the activists of Devbhumi Kshatriya Sangathan and Swaran Samaj.The police and district administration had issued an alert regarding the proposed protest, asking people to avoid unnecessary travel in the town on the Shimla-Chandigarh National Highway. Traffic queues of vehicles as long as 10 km were seen.