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Covid vaccination at home only for elderly and bedridden people with disabilities: UT health dept

The Chandigarh Health Department on Saturday said Covid vaccination at home is being undertaken only for the elderly and bedridden people with disabilities/diseases.

It clarified that Covid vaccination at home is not being done for the other adult persons and children in the age group of 15 to 18.In a press release, the health department said,Covid vaccination facility at home is provided only to following persons:Elderly persons who are unable to visit the vaccination centre due to their advanced age;Bedridden persons with disabilities/diseases who are unable to visit the vaccination centre.These persons may make a request at Help Line No 1075 for Covid vaccination at their home. Such requests will be assessed before sending the mobile vaccination team to their houses.Here it is clarified that Covid vaccination at home is not being done for the other adult persons and children in the age group of 15 to 18 years.All the persons eligible for Covid vaccination are again requested to visit the nearby Covid Vaccination Centre and get themselves vaccinated immediately.