Regional Technology

Combining marketing & research to create awareness around ground-breaking regenerative technology

In conversation with Nishant Renu, Marketing Manager, TissueTech Inc

In the last few decades, medical science has brought about many advancements that were previously incomprehensible. People can now seek treatments for multiple conditions and considerably improve their lives through biotechnology-led innovations. One such breakthrough advancement has been in the field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Loss of tissues and organs often occur in humans due to congenital defects, trauma, and diseases. However, the human body has a low regenerative potential and many people often have to wait for transplantation of donated tissues and organs. This is why scientists and clinicians have been constantly working on therapies and technologies that can regenerate tissues, and in some cases, create new tissues from scratch.

One of the pioneering organisations that has been developing cutting-edge technology to meet the clinical needs for tissue engineering and birth tissue regenerative medicine is TissueTech Inc, Miami. The company has been a pioneer in Birth Tissue Regenerative Medicines, and a global leader in innovative technologies using products derived from human amniotic and umbilical cord tissues. ET Spotlight recently spoke to Nishant Renu, the Marketing Manager at TissueTech Inc, whose dynamic professional portfolio has led him to the leadership role at TissueTech Inc. In his current role, Renu is responsible for handling every aspect of Marketing Surgical Ophthalmic Biologics Products at TissueTech. A qualified marketing professional with strong technical acumen and extensive product management experience, Nishant Renu’s journey is one of grit and success. Here is what he told us:

  1. How has your journey been so far? Tell us about how you started off your career and what eventually led to your position at TissueTech Inc.

My first step towards where I am now is the Bachelor’s in Pharmaceutical Sciences degree that I acquired in India. I always had a keen interest in pharmacology, and this led me to publish my first research paper in the Journal of Functional Foods. Somehow, I was always very curious, and my mind would always be in an exploratory mode. This led me to participate in many contests throughout my academic career and win many prestigious national awards.  I spend a few years working and learning how to manage brand equity while strengthening product positioning and developing a consumer base across the world for numerous healthcare and pharmaceutical products. This was also the time when I marketed and launched multiple new pharmaceutical and biotech products in several countries. I believe that if you have the zeal to make a difference, you find your way out eventually.

  • When did you leave India and what came after?

After working for a few years as Product Manager, I left India to study MBA at Louisiana Tech University, USA. I got a scholarship and was also offered a job at the university as a Graduate Research Assistant. I graduated magna cum laude from Louisiana Tech University, and got a job at TissueTech Inc.

  • What led you to change your path from pharmacy to marketing, and was there any personal reason why you wanted to work in this field?

My current work at TissueTech Inc is very much aligned to my education (B.Pharm, MBA in Marketing), incidentally. Contrary to the conventional idea about a marketer, this role has a wide scope. As a marketing professional, I work very closely with doctors, hospitals, ASCs, academic institutions, residents and fellows to create awareness and understanding of regenerative biologicsproducts. I get to experience the healthcare practice, process, and intervention to solve unmet clinical needs. In fact, I often travel to see surgeries in the OR with surgeons to understand the clinical use, outcomes of our products, and their lasting impact. I have seen patients healing from their chronic disease state to a normal state because of the regenerative biologics products manufactured by our company. It makes me feel happy and proud knowing that I’m working for the greater good.

  • Tell us more about your work at TissueTech Inc.

In my current role, I’m responsible for developing, implementing, and executing strategic marketing plans for lines of business and brands within an organization in order to attract potential customers and retain existing ones. My day to day tasks include coordinating with marketing and creative teams, leading market research efforts to uncover viability of current and existing products/services, and liaising with media organizations and advertising agencies to create value for our products. I work very closely with the R&D team to drive new product development and launch. I also actively work with the public relations team, executives, and other product management team members to evaluate promotional plans to ensure that they are consistent with the product line strategy and that the message is effectively conveyed. My job entails creating and building awareness around the globe so that maximum people can take advantage of this regenerative medicine.

However, I must tell you that despite my full-time job, I continue with my research interest and am working on reviewing research papers and publishing them from time to time. A couple of my research papers recently got published in Sage Open Medicine and Journal of Eye and Ophthalmology. The same research papers were further published as book chapters in New Frontier in Medicine & Medical Research. Additionally, a few of my research papers are under double blinded peer review process and should get published soon.

  • What made you choose marketing as a career?

The reason I chose to be a marketer is because I can’t see myself doing anything else. If there is one industry where your creativity is used most and is embraced, it is marketing. It is a fast-paced and exciting industry and perfect for people who are efficient, decisive and strategic. Working as a marketer keeps me on my toes and need me to be completely up-to-date with everything that is happening in the world of innovation, science and technology. It also provides a stimulating and challenging environment, perfect for someone like me who enjoys learning new things and meeting difficult situations head-on.

  • Who do you give credit for your success?

Certainly my parents. If they hadn’t realized my potential at an early stage of my life, then I would not be here. My parents have consistently pushed me to do better, which has shaped my life to do good. I value the time and money they invested in me and do not want to waste it. Today, I make them proud of my work and achievements and that’s what keeps me going. My future objective is to constantly learn and grow to be an eminent leader in the healthcare industry.

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