
Classes to be conducted in 2 sessions in Chd govt schools

Teams formed by Education Secretary have submitted their report after the Chandigarh government schools opened. Based on this report, the Chandigarh Education Department has set several new rules.

According to these, two-and-a-half-hour classes will be held for the students in the government schools of the city in two sessions on a daily basis. Each day, 50% teachers have to be present in the school from 8.30am to 2.30pm.

According to the order, the principal, head and in-charge of the school will have to come to the school daily and remain present for the entire time to see whether the guidelines of the department are being followed.

Classes will be held in schools in two sessions. The first session will be from 9am to 11.30am for students of classes 10 and 12. The second session will be from 12 noon to 2.30pm for students of classes 9 and 11.

According to the order, if a teacher takes leave of more than three days in case of illness, then he/she will have to show the medical certificate from a government hospital. The department has clarified in its order that the online classes conducted by the schools will continue as before. The department has sent a copy of the order to all the principals, heads and in-charges. It has also given instructions that the standard operating procedure issued by the central government should also be strictly followed.