
Chief Electoral Officer Punjab launches new voter registration drive

As per the instructions of the Election Commissioner, Government of India for the forthcoming Vidhan Sabha Elections 2022 in the State of Punjab, the Chief Electoral Officer Punjab Dr. S. Karuna Raju has launched a new voter registration campaign. Under this campaign youth between the ages of 18-19 who have become eligible to cast their votes and have not yet registered as voters, can go to http: //www.voteportal. to register themselves. In case they are registered then they can download e-EPIC from and

The Chief Electoral Officer, Punjab in association with the Department of Transport, Punjab has also provided the facility to the youngsters who come to the driving testing centers to take the driving test. Along with getting their driving license made, they can register as voters at the counters adjoining those where photograph for learning license is taken. Special staff has been deployed by the Transport Department to register voters at these counters.

The Chief Electoral Officer appealed to the eligible youth of the state to enrol themselves as voters as soon as possible and avail maximum out of the facilities being extended for the registration of voters at various places.