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Chandigarh records it’s highest ever single day spike, 967 positive cases reported

Chandigarh recorded 967 new Covid-19 cases over the last 24 hours, a health bulletin showed on Monday—the highest cases the city’s recorded since the pandemic began in 2020.

The UT’s been recording higher rates of infection since last week—the UT’s added 2,895 new cases since Thursday. The rise is primarily fuelled by the highly transmissible Omicron variant.The positivity rate shot up to 23 per cent from 14.36 per cent a day ago.Chandigarh now has 3,253 active cases—a 489 per cent rise since Wednesday. The UT recorded 236 hospitalisations and 25 people are on ventilator beds, the bulletin showed.The UT recorded one more death—a 68-year- man who suffered from hypertension, cardiac problems, and diabetes who was brought dead to GMSH in Sector 16 and tested positive later.