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Chandigarh Lok Sabha Election Expenditure Set to Double from 2014 figures.

As the Chandigarh Lok Sabha constituency gears up for the upcoming election on June 1, 2024, details regarding the anticipated expenditure have been revealed, indicating a substantial increase compared to the previous polls. According to reports, approximately Rs 7 crore is projected to be spent to ensure the smooth conduct of the electoral process, marking a significant rise from the Rs 3.28 crore spent in 2014 and the Rs 5.5 crore incurred in 2019.

Among the key areas of expenditure, estimates suggest a notable allocation of around Rs 1.10 crore to tentage and furniture, reflecting the need for extensive arrangements, particularly due to the expected hot weather conditions on polling day. With previous elections primarily held in early May, the shift to June  necessitates additional provision to ensure the comfort and well-being of both voters and polling staff.

Moreover, under the head of honorarium, an estimated amount of Rs 80 lakh has been allocated for the remuneration of polling staff, compared to Rs 61 lakh expended in the last elections. This increase underscores the importance of recognizing and compensating for the efforts of those involved in facilitating a fair and efficient polling process.

Refreshments for polling staff during voting and rehearsal days constitute another significant expense, with estimates reaching Rs 60 lakh for the upcoming election, up from Rs 41 lakh spent previously. This allocation reflects our commitment to ensuring that all personnel involved in the electoral process are adequately provided for, enhancing their ability to carry out their duties effectively.

Also Read: Before The Upcoming General Elections In India, Cash, Liquor, And Drugs Were Confiscated By Authorities.

Additionally, various logistical requirements, such as transportation, videography, power pack arrangements, and computer hardware, have been factored into the expenditure estimates. Notably, expenses for webcasting for all polling stations are set to increase from Rs 18 lakh in 2019 to Rs 35 lakh this year, highlighting the emphasis on leveraging technology for enhanced transparency and accessibility.

With 614 polling stations designated for the election, an increase of 17 booths from the previous election, meticulous planning and resource allocation are essential to facilitate seamless operations and accommodate the needs of voters across the constituency.