shopping rules

Chandigarh Gets 24×7 Shopping! New Rules Announced

Chandigarh residents, rejoice! The UT Administration has announced a major reform for shopkeepers, allowing all registered shops and commercial establishments to operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This move aims to boost ease of doing business, simplify labor regulations, and benefit traders in the city beautiful.

Key Points to Remember:

  • Not All Shops Included: Only shops and commercial establishments registered with the Labour Department under the Punjab Shops and Commercial Establishments Act, 1958, are eligible for this extended operation window. Unregistered shops will need to follow existing timings.
  • Liquor & Bars Unaffected: The new rules don’t apply to liquor vends, bars, and pubs. These establishments will continue to operate under existing regulations set by the Excise Department.
  • Employee Protections: The extended hours come with safeguards for employees. Workers shall be entitled to a rest of a minimum time between half-an-hour and additional a stretching of five hours of working, not being employed for more than nine hours in one day or forty-eight hours in any week.
  • Safety Measures Mandatory: Stores opening after 10 p.m. must guarantee a fair stance on security and also safety for the labor and other clients. This includes proper CCTV installation with a minimum 15-day recording backup and emergency alarms.
  • Female Staff Protection: Specific guidelines are laid out for female employees. Employers must provide separate lockers, security measures, and restrooms for them. Additionally, written consent is mandatory if a female employee works beyond 8 pm, and the employer must ensure their safe transportation home after work. The Labour Department also mandates annual self-defense workshops for female employees.

Also Read: Eviction Looms for Chandigarh Furniture Market Traders: Deadline Draws Near

Registration and Reporting:

Shopkeepers and traders can register with the Labour Department for 24×7 operations through the online portal The registration fee ranges from Rs.1,000 to Rs.5,000 depending on the shop category. Residents can report any non-compliance with these rules to the Labour Department by calling 0172-2679000.

This reform promises more convenience for Chandigarh residents and a potentially thriving business environment for shopkeepers. However, responsible implementation with employee well-being and safety at the forefront is crucial for its success.

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