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CBI arrests Himachal Pradesh High Court judge’s daughter in Sippy Sidhu murder case

Almost seven years after national-level shooter and advocate Sukhmanpreet Singh Sidhu, aka Sippy Sidhu, was shot dead at a park in Sector 27, Chandigarh, CBI officials on Wednesday arrested Kalyani Singh, daughter of Himachal Pradesh High Court judge Justice Sabina. Justice Sabina is also the acting Chief Justice of Himachal Pradesh High Court.Sippy was shot dead on September 20, 2015. A .12 bore gun was used in the crime and four bullets were fired from it. The UT Police had registered a case of murder at the Sector 26 police station.

In January 2016, the case was transferred to the CBI, after which the investigating agency registered a murder case and began a probe.The alleged role of judge’s daughter in the murder cropped up during the CBI investigation. However, they wanted to gather more clues, following which, around seven months later, in September 2016, CBI sleuths announced a reward of Rs 5 lakh for anybody providing a clue that could help crack the case.