
CBI arrests AAP councillor Geeta Rawat red-handed while taking bribe

The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Friday arrested Geeta Rawat, an Aam Aadmi Party leader, on charges of corruption. According to reports, the East Delhi Municipal Corporation councillor had demanded Rs 20,000 under the table from a person for extending him the favour to lay the roof of his building.

The bribe money used to go to Rawat through a peanut seller. According to the CBI, Geeta Rawat was demanding 20 thousand from the victim in lieu of getting the roof built. The victim filed a complaint. The CBI first arrested one of the middlemen to whom the victim had given 20 thousand rupees. This middleman had put up a street vendor outside the counselor’s office. According to the CBI, this bribe money used to reach Geeta Rawat through middlemen. However, the search is still on.When the father of the peanut seller, Sanaullah, came to know that his son was being held by someone, he went to the office of the municipal councilor of the area. There he inquired the reason for his son’s arrest. He was told that his son was involved in a corruption case. His father came to know that corporation councilor Geeta Rawat used to go to the corporation councilor Geeta Rawat through the bribe money of Sanaullah.

The CBI Applied colour on the notes that they gave to the peanut seller. He went on to hand the same money to Geeta Rawat. When the CBI searched Geeta Rawat’s place they recovered the same notes. Sanaullah and Geeta Rawat are being held and being interrogated by the CBI.