bernie sanders
Trending Now World

Bundled-Up Bernie Sanders is the first viral meme of this year 2021

Unless you live in a cave, you must have come across Bernie Sanders meme on the internet. Standing out in a crowd of glamorously dressed guests, Sanders showed up for the US presidential inauguration in a heavy winter jacket and patterned mittens — with a photo of him sitting bundled-up spawning various viral memes.

Two days after his iconic look at the inauguration sparked thousands of internet memes across the world, US Senator Bernie Sanders said that he was “just sitting there trying to keep warm.” He also highlighted the mittens that he was wearing during the inauguration and said that they were made by a schoolteacher in Vermont US.

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bernie sanders
bernie sanders

The internet had a field day with his picture taken at Capitol Hill, superimposing him on a wide variety of images that went viral.  One placed Mr Sanders on a bench next to Tom Hanks in “Forrest Gump”, another put him in detention with the teenagers from “The Breakfast Club”, and he also made it into numerous “Star Wars” scenes. Not only that, on Friday actor Priyanka Chopra also joined the meme fest and shared a bunch of unseen pictures of her family featuring Bernie Sanders.

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