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BJP offered Rs 20 crore each to 4 AAP MLAs to switch sides: Sanjay Singh

The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) claimed on Wednesday that the BJP had approached four of its legislators in Delhi, asking them to switch sides and join the saffron party or else face “false cases, the CBI and the ED”.

Addressing a press conference here, AAP’s national spokesperson and Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh said Ajay Dutt, Sanjeev Jha, Somnath Bharati and Kuldeep had been approached by leaders of the BJP with whom they had “friendly relations”.

“They have been offered Rs 20 crore each if they join the party and Rs 25 crore if they bring other MLAs along with them,” Singh said.”They (BJP leaders) told our MLAs that if they do not accept the offer and join the BJP, they will also have to face false cases, the CBI and the ED like Manish Sisodia is facing,” he added. Singh accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of trying to bring AAP legislators into the BJP fold “by hook or by crook” and topple the Arvind Kejriwal government in Delhi.The four AAP MLAs who have allegedly been approached by the BJP were also present at the press conference.