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Bitcoin heist suspect escapes prison and ‘flees on plane carrying Iceland’s PM’

The suspected mastermind of a Bitcoin heist has escaped prison and fled to Sweden on a plane reportedly carrying Iceland’s prime minister.

An international arrest warrant has been issued for Sindri Thor Stefansson, who is accused of being involved in the theft of around 600 computers used to mine virtual currencies.

Police believe Stefansson fled a low-security prison in Iceland through a window and boarded a flight to Sweden at an international airport in Keflavik.

A fellow passenger told local media that Iceland’s prime minister, Katrin Jakobsdottir, was also on the flight.

Ms Jakobsdottir was among five Nordic prime ministers who met with India’s prime minister in Stockholm on Tuesday.

Icelandic officials said it was unlikely that Stefansson had to show a passport at the airport since he travelled within Europe’s passport-free Schengen travel zone.

The plane ticket he used was under someone else’s name, according to authorities.

“He had an accomplice,” police chief Gunnar Schram said. “We are sure of that.”

Stefansson was among 11 people arrested for allegedly stealing the powerful computers in a series of four burglaries in December and January.

It is believed to Iceland’s biggest-ever heist and the stolen equipment, which is still missing, has been valued at almost $2m (£1.4m).

Police have arrested a total of 22 people, including a security guard, in connection with the heist.

Stefansson was being held at Sogn prison in rural southern Iceland, 59 miles from the airport. The prison is unfenced and inmates have telephone and internet access.