
Creating Awareness: Ahead of Yoga Day, Baba Ramdev conducts Yoga with 11,000 Tihar Jail inmates

New Delhi

As International Yoga Day approaches, yoga guru Baba Ramdev conducted a yoga session with nearly 11,000 inmates of the Tihar Jail today and also promised jobs to some of them,a jail official said. The inmates from nine jails had gathered in jail number 1 and Ramdev made them do yoga. He advised them to give up bad habits and negative emotions. “You should give up the feelings of anger and revenge. This will be my guru dakshina,” Ramdev said.

He also asked them to quit tobacco and smoking. The yoga guru spent nearly four hours inside the jail premises and visited the factory where the inmates prepared products that are sold under the brand name TJ. He also expressed willingness in partnering with the brand.

The jail has set a target of training at least 1,000 inmates as yoga teachers. He promised jobs to 1,000 inmates whenever they are released, the jail official said.