
Appeals to not share leaked videos online amid huge Chandigarh University stir

Shock and horror have gripped Punjab after some videos of girl students of the Chandigarh University were reported to have been uploaded on social media, prompting massive protests at the varsity. A police case has been registered amid a deluge of strong reactions from all quarters. Appeals to not share these videos online have also been growing stronger.

“It’s an unfortunate incident. Police should take serious action against those involved in this incident so that such incidents do not occur again,” Union minister and BJP leader Som Parkash was quoted as saying by news agency ANI. Leaders and units associated with the Congress also shared posts, expressing anger. “This horrific incident in Chandigarh University is not only a proof of the failure of “Beti Bachao” but it is another proof of how unsafe our educational institutions are becoming for women. The offender must be punished severely for this act. Very embarrassing!” tweeted All India Mahila Congress in Hindi, referring to rival BJP’s ‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padao’ movement.