Ahmedabad and Kolkata are likely to host three matches each in the upcoming white-ball series against the West Indies from February 6. As per the original schedule, West Indies are slated to play three ODIs in Ahmedabad, Jaipur and Kolkata and three T20Is Cuttack, Visakhapatnam, Thiruvananthapuram, beginning February 6.But due to the rising COVID-19 cases, the tour and fixtures committee on Wednesday recommended the BCCI to hold the series in two venues — Ahmedabad and Kolkata.”The tour and fixtures committee today met virtually with the secretary and president and recommended Ahmedabad and Kolkata as the two venues. BCCI will finalise in a couple of days,” BCCI sources told PTI.India have a packed ODI and T20I calendar in 2022 with the focus on the latter with the World Cup scheduled in Australia later this year.After the West Indies tour, India are slated to play a T20 series against Sri Lanka and South Africa at home.
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