
Chandigarh Police Undergoes Major Reshuffle

In a bid to enhance its operational efficiency and responsiveness, the Chandigarh Police has implemented a substantial reshuffle involving over 2,700 personnel. The transfer orders, affecting ranks from sub-inspectors to constables, were issued on Tuesday following the approval of the Police Establishment Board (PEB).

The Chandigarh Police, which now has over 6,000 officers, has undergone this reform to handle operational and administrative issues. The Director-General of Police decided to move policemen who had been assigned to a certain post for more than three years.

The Police Executive Board (PEB), which is in charge of managing police operations, authorized the transfers following a careful examination of the facts. This allowed for the best possible allocation of personnel across the departments. This calculated action is anticipated to invigorate law enforcement and enhance its ability to address new security threats.

The transfer orders have been issued by PEB Superintendent of Police Ketan Bansal, and they must be carried out immediately. Interestingly, this is not the initial stage of the transfer. To guarantee the best possible use of its resources, the department had already redistributed 21 station house officers and 14 deputy superintendents of police.

It is expected that the overall performance of the police force will improve as a result of the reorganization. To promote innovation and enhance service performance, the Chandigarh Police is replacing long-standing positions with new hires in various capacities. The modifications could result in short-term adaptations, but overall public safety advantages should be substantial.

With a renewed emphasis on public service and safety, the Chandigarh Police is ready to start a new chapter as the recently transferred staff take up their new positions.