farm laws

Punjab becomes 1st state to formally reject Farm Laws

Punjab on Tuesday became the 1st state in the country to formally reject the Centre’s Farm Laws. The state Assembly unanimously passed a resolution rejecting the legislations and the proposed Electricity Amendment Bill, seeking their immediate annulment along with a new Ordinance to protect minimum support price (MSP) and ensure continuance of procurement.

Also, Captain Amarinder Singh once again reiterated his appeal to Kisan Unions to allow movement of trains for the transportation of coal, urea and foodgrains, pointing out that the state government had already lost ₹40,000 crore in revenue due to Rail Roko. He expressed hope that the farmers’ organisations will heed to his appeal.

The Farmers’ (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services (Special Provisions and Punjab Amendment) Bill, 2020; The Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) (Special Provisions and Punjab Amendment) Bill, 2020; and The Essential Commodities (Special Provisions and Punjab Amendment) Bill, 2020, have been passed by the Punjab Assembly to protect the state’s farmers and agriculture.

3-year prison for selling or purchasing wheat and paddy below MSP

Now selling or purchasing wheat and paddy in Punjab below minimum support price (MSP) may land you behind bars with the Punjab government passing Historic Bills to counter NDA’s new Farms Laws.  Besides ensuring MSP, with punishment in case of sale/purchase in violation of the same, the legislations provide for prevention of hoarding and black-marketing of foodgrains.

The Code of Civil Procedure (Punjab Amendment) Bill, 2020 provides relief to farmers against attachment of land up to 2.5 acres, in line with the Congress government’s election promise.

Punjab Vidhan Sabha extended by one day

The two-day special session of the Punjab Vidhan Sabha which was to conclude today has been extended by one day. The move was necessitated as all items mentioned in the list of business for today were not taken up after the three Bills against farm laws were introduced in the House and passed. Now, the session will conclude tomorrow.